


Students with Severe Physical Disabilities

Henry Viscardi School Hero Image - two students on a clay track, one in a wheelchair and one in a walker both smiling

Our Impact

Access to quality education leads to personal growth and future success for students with severe physical disabilities. We blend challenging academics, adapted learning environments and enriched programming to create an individualized learning experience that nurtures the needs and abilities of every student.

Henry Viscardi Student with glasses and a wheelchair smiling in front of a school bus


Prospective students can be referred for an admissions screening by a school district, parent or agency
Henry Viscardi School Student wearing safety glasses and blue latex gloves in a wheelchair smiling as she works on the anatomy of a dissected frog

Curriculum & Instruction

Accredited and enriched academics that meet the needs and abilities of every student

Medical Support & Services

A fully-equipped medical suite, on-site therapists and a wheelchair/brace/orthotic clinic

Stay Connected

Read about what’s happening at Henry Viscardi School. Check out our latest school and student news and upcoming events— then learn how you can get involved and make a positive impact.
Two Henry Viscardi School students in wheelchairs smiling and laughing together
Henry Viscardi School - Join our diverse team image with a teacher reaching over the shoulder of a young student with headphones in a wheelchair to help them with their schoolwork on a laptop computer

Join our Diverse Team

We are dedicated to recruiting and hiringqualified individuals for a wide range of educational, therapeutic, administrative and support services positions. We pride ourselves on our culture of diversity, equity and inclusion. The Viscardi Center has been a recipient of the National Organization on Disability’s Leading Disability Employer Seal every year since 2018.


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